Recovery from muscle and ligament damage can be a frustrating experience, as you’re laid up and out of action. Unable to train, and in severe injuries, perhaps unable to move around properly, you’ll be thinking of ways to speed up the recovery process and reduce pain and discomfort. Fortunately, you’re in the right place. In this post, we’re going to explore various strategies and tips for ligament and muscle recovery that you can do at home.


It’s important to note however, that it’s vital you seek medical assistance for any severe injury or pain that doesn’t subside after a few days, as it would with normal muscle pain after a workout. It’s very easy to make an injury worse and increase your time on the sidelines. With that in mind, let’s explore some ways you can speed up muscle recovery and reduce ligament and muscle inflammation.

How Long Do Muscles Take to Recover?

Firstly, we need to understand how long it takes for muscles to recover on their own. Unfortunately, although you can certainly help to relieve muscle soreness, time is always the best medicine. Generally, muscle soreness recovery will take between 48 and 72 hours, depending on how hard you trained, and whether you’re new to the workout or not. This Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness is also known as DOMS and will peak between 24 and 48 hours after exercise. Caused because of microscopic muscle tears, the pain, swelling and discomfort is part of your body healing itself.

white sports compression socks for running front

How to Speed Up Muscle Recovery

There are several things you can do to help muscle recovery and reduce pain and inflammation. These vary depending on the time post-exercise, and include:

Within 24-48 Hours:

  • RICE Method: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. This helps reduce inflammation and pain. Apply ice packs for 15-20 minutes several times a day, elevate the injured area when you can, and use compression garments, such as compression socks, stockings or wraps, when appropriate.
  • Cold Therapy: If you’ve trained hard, or perhaps competed, then consider cold therapy in the form of an ice bath when you get home. The cold temperature can constrict blood vessels and prevent fluid buildup.
  • Pain Management: It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or paracetamol, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications. While these medications can help manage pain and inflammation in the short-term, they will not contribute to the healing of muscle or ligament injuries. Always seek guidance from a qualified healthcare provider for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your individual needs.

Ongoing General Muscle Recovery Strategies

  • Rest and Light Activity: It’s important to avoid activities that could aggravate the injury and set your recovery back. However, active recovery methods like low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming can promote blood flow, reduce DOMS and speed up healing. Consider other muscle movement activities such as light yoga or stretching as well, if you’re able to.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Take in plenty of protein to help support tissue repair and stay well-hydrated. This helps ensure your muscles get the maximum possible nutrients and can remove waste faster.
  • Sleep: Sleep is vital for a wide variety of health and performance reasons, but especially so when it comes to muscle recovery. Aim for between 7 and 9 hours of quality sleep per night.
  • Sports or Self-massage: There’s a reason why athletes have a massage after training and competition; it can help relax the muscles and increase blood flow which in turn will help recovery. If that’s not available, try a gentle self-massage using foam rollers, massage balls or a massage gun. However, be careful and avoid direct pressure on the injured area.

Additional Muscle Recovery Considerations

  • Heat therapy: After the initial inflammatory phase (typically after 48 hours), heat therapy (sometimes called thermotherapy) like warm compresses or baths can help improve flexibility and muscle soreness.
  • Stretching and range-of-motion exercises: As the pain allows, start incorporating gentle stretches and range-of-motion exercises into your recovery to maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness.
  • Compression garments: Wearing compression socks and stockings can help reduce swelling, improve circulation, and speed up recovery.
  • Listen to your body: Don’t push through pain. If symptoms worsen, seek professional medical advice.
  • Gradual progression: Gradually increase activity and intensity as your pain improves. It’s very easy to set yourself back in your recovery by trying to do too much, too soon.
  • Preventative measures: Muscle injury prevention strategies like a proper warm-up and cool-down will help reduce DOMS. Additionally, strength training can help prevent future injuries and improve overall performance.
CTC-7 Iceless Therapy Device

The CTC-7 Device

If you’re a professional or keen amateur athlete, or work within a medical or sporting setting, then the CTC-7 Device can help improve recovery for muscle and tendon damage. It’s an all-in-one rehabilitation system that offers cryotherapy, thermotherapy, contrast, and compression therapy. Alongside the sporting setting, it can be used for patients recovering from operations and other medical procedures.

Contact us today to buy or rent the CTC-7 and experience how it can help your recovery.