Shin splint support is pivotal to keeping your training on track. Shin splints can be a common and frustrating condition for runners, but there are steps you can take to prevent them and keep your running routine on track. By incorporating the following preventive measures into your training regimen, you can reduce the risk of developing shin splints and maintain healthy and pain-free shins:
- Gradual training progression
- Proper footwear
- Surface and terrain
- Proper warm-up and stretching
- Strength and conditioning
- Listen to your body
In this article we will dive into each of these preventative measures in more detail, guiding you on how to give yourself the best chance of avoiding shin splints.

Gradual Training Progression:
One of the primary causes of shin splints is overloading the muscles and bones in your lower legs too quickly. To prevent shin splints, it’s important to gradually increase your training volume and intensity. Avoid sudden spikes in mileage or intensity and allow your body time to adapt to the demands of running. Gradually increase your mileage and pace, giving your muscles and bones the opportunity to strengthen and adjust.
Proper Footwear for Shin Splint Support:
Wearing appropriate running shoes that provide proper support and cushioning is crucial in preventing shin splints. Invest in shoes that suit your foot type and running style. Consider visiting a specialized running store for a professional fitting or consult with a podiatrist if you have specific foot mechanics or structural concerns. Replace your shoes regularly, as worn-out shoes can contribute to increased stress on your shins.
See a great guide for choosing your next pair of running shoes.
Surface and Terrain:
Varying the surfaces and terrains you run on can help prevent shin splints. Exclusively running on hard surfaces like concrete can increase the impact and strain on your shins. Incorporate softer surfaces like grass, dirt trails, or synthetic tracks into your training to reduce the repetitive stress on your lower legs. Additionally, be cautious when transitioning from one surface to another, allowing your body time to adapt to the changes.
Proper Warm-Up and Stretching:
Prior to each run, perform a dynamic warm-up routine that includes exercises to activate and loosen the muscles in your lower legs. This can include movements like ankle circles, calf raises, and leg swings. After your run, engage in a cooldown routine and perform static stretches for your calf muscles and shins. Stretching helps maintain flexibility and reduce muscle tightness, decreasing the risk of shin splints. To help increase circulation and facilitate your recovery process check out our recovery compression socks.
Strength and Conditioning for Shin Splint Support:
Incorporating strength and conditioning exercises into your training regimen can help prevent shin splints. Focus on strengthening the muscles in your lower legs, including your calves, shins, and ankles. Exercises such as calf raises, heel drops, toe curls, and resistance band exercises can improve muscle strength and endurance, providing better support for your shins during running.
Listen to Your Body:
Pay attention to any signs of pain or discomfort in your shins. If you experience early warning signs of shin splints, such as mild pain or tenderness, it’s crucial to address them promptly. Rest, apply ice, and modify your training to reduce the stress on your shins. Consider cross-training or low-impact activities during the recovery period to maintain your fitness level without aggravating the condition. If the pain persists or worsens, consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.
By implementing these preventive measures for shin splint support, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing shin splints and enjoy a more enjoyable and pain-free running experience. Remember, prevention is key, and it’s important to listen to your body. If you experience persistent pain or suspect shin splints, seek appropriate medical advice for a thorough evaluation and guidance on the best course of treatment.